A sailor saw it from afar and immediately rang the bell to alert all the crew to the imminent crash. A huge iceberg was in the route of the powerful superliner.
Summer afternoon. Blue sky with no clouds. The calm sea. An iceberg moving through the iced water waves of the Antarctic Ocean. A picture with different hues of blue. The gather of the three states of matter: the liquid of the water, the solid of the iceberg and the gas of the freezing wind. The element of life. What do you see: coldness or inertia?
There is the possibility of founding something very precious in the iceberg core. What might have inside is not certain, just like we do not know if it lasts or not. But whatever it is, it is something that everybody wishes for some period of time.
Break the ice someway, let's pioneer it, figure out what it hides, what is the Kinder Surprise. What about using a pickaxe? But is not it dangerous to damage it? Let's lick the ice. But is not it dangerous for our tongue to be glued on it? Let's perforate it with our fingernails, or dry with a towel. But do not we run the risk of gangrening our hands?
Hey, what about some heat? Yeah, safe and effective. However it requires patience, a lot of patience. Many times waiting the ice to melt tires us, so we leave to explore another iceberg – that will also take too long to melt. How to reach its nucleus? Sun is powerless here. The concentration of the heat of the sunray of a shy Sun through the lens of the magnifying glass does not help much. Global warming and the ozone layer hole have accelerated the melting process, but it causes destruction and chaos.
Almost a century ago, Titanic crashed against an iceberg in a late night on April 1912. The unsinkable ship sank. And together, sank the dreams of a new life in a new land. Was Titanic moving too fast or was it the inertia of the big block of ice floating on the sea that damaged it?
It is fascinating and instigate us to figure out its reward. We may explore it and find out nothing at all. There is the risk of the iceberg cracking and falling on us. It is like our lives rely on this prospecting. Mysterious, motionless and quiet. It sees itself being breaking and invaded, but it does not react. Need it to be broken? Hard, impenetrable, letardy and cold... it kills the treasures hunter, makes him angry, upset and disappointed.
Even with the penguins company, the iceberg can live both with their company and without it. Alone and independent. It looks transparent but nobody can see through it. The iceberg is surrounded by the water of the Antarctic Ocean, being carried away by the waves, either about to be explored or about to destroy the ships that come to its way.