Saturday, February 23, 2013

Seach for freedom

You were in peace while the world was in a war. Both armies wanted you to join one of them. Flags everywhere. Someone pushes you to raise a flag ‘cause raising a flag is cool and a symbol of commitment to causes that will change the world! If you don’t raise a flag, the world will get upside down just because of your cowardice and egoism. Then your conscience pushes you to raise a flag and finally you raise a flag.

But there are too many flags to raise, to many causes to fight for. The war never ends and you get frequently angry about everything and everyone. It’s tiring to be in a war. Whatever this war is.

Peace starts upon you. Maybe this is the prophylaxis for any problem that may come. If you are in peace, why would you fight, why you get old and stressed unnecessarily? Some people are so good, so concerned in doing the good for other people that they sacrifice their peace for then and sometimes, they sacrifice themselves; their beliefs, their views, their hope in people and humanity. That’s the time when another war starts, a harder on: within you!

And then you may think that you are being selfish, but this is nothing but a measure of self-love and self-protection. Why would you sacrifice your short life for people that don’t even recognize the efforts you did? Soldiers die in vain and people are fighting and getting enemies of each other just because they have different views.

Does it worth to fight for a cause that’s not yours just because you are pushed to raise flag? Does it worth to sacrifice your peace for things you weren’t used to care, but you felt the necessity of changing the world because this act became a motto on the online young generation? Does it worth to discolor what’s colored just because someone told you the colors weren’t real? Does it worth being so aggressive and incisive all the time even with people that used to love you?

You got lost!

You got lost in the moment you started trying to impress people you didn’t even know and like. You wanted to find love by changing and hiding your essence to please others and then perhaps you could be happier. Can you see you relied your happiness upon a Savior? You weren’t yourself and you felt imprisoned all the time, constantly angry, constantly confused, constantly alone and performatic.

Set yourself free and fight for find peace for you. And finally your life may get better. Be humble to recognize and accept your mistakes and imperfections. Stop behaving like a fool that believes in everything and everyone or the opposite; a person who doesn’t believe in anything more. Start accepting yourself and mainly, loving yourself.

When you are in peace with yourself, when you don’t expect anything more and is willing to live the day in a simple way instead of having an amazing, incredible, breathtaking day performatic day, you may discover the true meaning of peace of spirit. And peace of spirit is the best feeling one can feel; all the others come behind.

NOTE: The correct name of the song above is “Someday”.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The one once I was

Wrote one, wrote two, wrote three, wrote four. All the texts were to the garbage can. What to talk about then? Maybe a small note is enough to mask the laziness because it stimulates the exercising of thinking and reading the between lines. Better texts I have when I'm taking a shower or trying to sleep but when I come here, the white seems to vanish with all my thoughts.

I was trying to write about becoming someone once I was. Not in a nostalgic way, but remembering good traces of my personality that I had lost someway, somehow and how it made me feel sick. Summarizing, there are people that appear in our lives to suck the best of us and we start to become negative and evil as they are. Then we must shake ourselves to wake up from this real nightmare. It's essential for us to learn with our mistakes and keep in mind that every single one is the only one who can write his own fate. While we don't learn it, we are likely to live unpleasant situations frequently.

But I'm not willing to talk about bad things, love and any suffering issue because it sucks and I'm already tired of it. I always knew that life isn't easy and fair, but it doesn't make it less pretty. Life is gift, don't want to waste it looking for Saviors. Save yourself first respecting you and the people around. Avoid everything that makes you feel bad. With the lemons you have, make a lemonade. These are the advices I would like to give to you.

And I'll start to keep my thoughts and feeling on my mind and maybe someday I leak some of them, disguised through the between lines of my texts. I can't assure anything because I'm not forever the same.