Friday, July 29, 2011

Ugliness of the world

“Do not pity the dead, Harry.
Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love”.

Since Amy Winehouse's death last July 23, several people over Facebook have been paid tribute and lamented her death. For many she had fame, money and a big talent even being very young, being then a pity the way she passed away. However, few are those who wonder why, even having fame and money, she was so self-destructive, being several times being caught red-handed drunk and drugged?

We do not need to wait a known worldwide artist to die due to overdose for us to wonder what drives one to drugs and alcohol. A lot of you, readers, might have someone of your family or some friend of yours who has problems with these narcotics. However, few are those who try to help them someway, and lots of people prefer to judge, to avoid and ignore their existence.

The Brazilian people have the big imperfection of refuting everything that can harm their precious “happiness”. The myth that Brazilians are happy is due to their irresponsibility and cowardice to face any situation that may displease them. It is easier to judge and elaborate theories that are totally unfounded and prejudiced. Vapour tears and a need to disguise revolt face the barbarian crimes are nothing but an attempt of showing a humanity that no longer exists since they adopted the carpedienzism of the emotional disguise dictatorship as a life philosophy. Who is not a bigot carpedienzist is labeled as someone unhappy, negative and who should be avoided.

It is necessary, however, to have the discernment to not to appeal to extremes. Nobody needs to be the pathetic bigot carpedienzist – who is the gear that moves out society back –, neither those who are always focused in making the world a better place wanting to help every one. Nobody needs a Bible and being a religious person to fully understand the meaning of “brotherly love”.

What drives one to alcohol and drugs? What all the addicted people have (and do not have) in common? They are all people without a way to follow and that look for relief to their inner desperation through some chemical substance that give them the pleasure sensation. The pleasure ends and they will want it more and more and, without realizing that, they will be losing friends, family, mental sanity and mainly, damaging their heath. Lots of them do not have anyone who can give them psychological comfort that all the human beings need. Of course some people try those substances influenced by friends and the propaganda of a supposed “liberty”, but will be hard for those who have a good mental and familiar structure to cede and use them.

The origin of many problems is the lack of love, either the lack of love from the others to you or the lack of love for yourself. It is not necessary to spend some years at college and graduate as a psychologist or psychiatrist to learn how to develop feelings – and in their case, they are often artificial. Anyone who has sensibility, humanity and social responsibility will not be the one who will criticize the drunks and drugged to hereupon turn them away, but will be the one who will try to help within the limits the sick will establish based, as well, in their willpower to help themselves to go out from their misery.

The addicted people need to look for help and go to rehab and carpedienzists Brazilians need to extirpate their egoism and develop brotherly love. All of us need love.


*Opening phrase credits to J.K. Rowling for her book “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”.

Friday, July 22, 2011

July falls

What could take you from heaven to the hell? How is possible to tremble due to cold at Sahara desert? How is it possible to sweat to the heat at Antarctica? How to explain this journey from two extreme points?

It is not the first time we have falls in the month of July. Winter here in Southern Hemisphere, summer in Northern, but the leaves still fall from the trees when it is no longer fall anywhere.

At the begging of the second half of the year, our body's strongest muscle works overtime and the mind is studied by psychologists and undergoes to resistance exams in laboratory.

Glory comes in the begging of the month with e-mails written with purple letters and a new diamonds mine is discovered in South Africa. We get fascinated by the new colors and brights.

We will be surrounded by a fire that warms us during the coldest nights, a heat that make us so glad that we want to contaminate and warm those who feel cold. We are burning, the house is burning and then it happens: KABOOM! The gas cylinder explodes and fire runs out of our control.

You need gas to new explosions and feed the flames, but they fade and the fire extinguishes by itself. The red, yellow and orange disappears to be substituted by the blue. Ashes remain.

Call the fire department! Leave and bring me Delilah, quickly!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Buenos Aires

No estoy más respirando con dificultad, no estoy más ahogandome con la contaminación del aire.

Vivi en la oscuridad. Cerré el portal del parque de diversiones, pero dejé la llave bajo el felpudo. Y la sacaste y andentraste. Las luces volveron a brillar nuevamente. Mi intuición, que no costumbra fallar para las cosas dolorosas, detectó algo diferente. Algo bueno, sincero, transparente como el água de un lago helado islandés.

No estoy más respirando con dificultad, no estoy más ahogandome con la contaminación del aire. Ahora yo respiro buenos aires. No necesito actuar para gustar a alguien. No necesito temer lo que decir y no estoy ansioso con el futuro porque tengo la tranquilidad y la seguridad que yo necesitaba para estar en paz. Puedo mirar a través del água limpia del lago. Todo viene a su tiempo.

La bateria está cargada. Las luces estan brillando. Las flores, florindo. Y el aire está limpio y a mi me gusta respirar estes buenos, buenos aires.


I lived in darkness. I closed the gates of the amusement park but I left the key under the doormat. And you took it and went inside. Lights got back to shine. My intuition that is not used to fail to painful things, detected something different. Something good, sincere, transparent like the waters of an Iceladic cold lake.

I am not breathing with difficulty anymore as well as I am not suffocating with the air pollution. Now I breath good airs. I do not need to act to please anyone. I do not need to be afraid of what to say and I am not anxious about the future because I have the tranquility and security I needed to be in peace. I can see though the clean water of the lake. Everything comes in the right time.

The battery is charged. The lights are shining. The flowers, blooming. The air is clean and I enjoy breathing these good, good airs.