Because on the internet you can be a star. Because on the internet you can show yourself off. Everyone wants to be a star. Everyone demands attention...
Poor boys and girls were born and raised in a poor environment, without hygiene, without health, without toys. The old TV set was their little portal to the world of wonder. Inside it, pretty children had a happy family that could give them the most expensive gifts, their parents were lovely, their city was beautiful and they had lots of friends that enjoyed enviable quality of life and lifestyle. If I become a model, I can be rich. If I become a soccer player, I can be rich and fuck all the women I wish.
Richer boys and girls were born and raised in a comfortable environment, clean, healthy in a house full of sophisticated technological devices. But it was in a poor land. When they went to Disney, they felt the air of arrogance from middle class the American kids educated to be xenophobic and stupid. They came back to Brazil feeling superior only to the poor ones, the kids of the traffic lights, the slums, the Children of the People. Money they already had, they just wanted to feel important and recognized for all, even bu the riffraff for them to humiliate...
However, not everyone become a model, a renewed soccer player or a Globo Broadcast's Hollywood star. How can I be famous, beloved and hated without the television?
Then the internet became popular, the price of the computers were slashed down and the social networks became a success. It is not the same thing of being the protagonist of a soap-opera but it can be worthy. And it was! Lots of unknown people started to make friends among them. The more friends I have, the more popular I'll be. Fifty friends... three hundred friends... six hundred friends... nine hundred friends... full profile...
I need pretty pictures to post on my Orkut... I need a new digital camera. I need to expose to every one I have a social life... say “cheese”. Take pictures like your were kissing, take them in front of the mirror... I think my body is not nice... I will start going to the gym... Has left to the gym. Shirtless pictures, breast pictures, ass pictures, lascivious pictures...
Hey, wait. Now the poor have Orkut, let's ridicule them, let's put them in their place because we were pioneers of this website and we are better than them... Well, the poor took over the Orkut, let's go to a social network not too popular where we can comment the pictures and proclaim ourselves the owners of it
Twitter to say what I'm doing, did or intend to do. Good morning, good afternoon, good night, Faces. Foursquare to say where I am, at the party, at the gym, at the mall, at the beach... Instagram to show off to there poor people I have an iPhone and my pictures are cult. 1920's effect to the pictures of the beach, 1970's effect to the photos at the nightclub, 1980's effect to the lasagna I've just cooked.
But it is not enough to scream the places I go. It is not enough to report and cool places I'm going. It is not enough to show off my body as my biggest talent... It's necessary to be more than a desirable one financially and sexually, it's necessary to show some culture.
I have never read Clarice Lispector but her phrases impress me. I don't understand of feelings but Caio Fernando de Abreu touches my heart. I don't understand of Philosophy and Mathematics but Nietzsche and Freud know so much about life and about the human being... Oh, Freud was psychoanalyst? Sorry, I'm so cult, so erudite that I mess up my mind with several names and professions.
Brazil's situation is really lamentable, right? The rich class is rich, the poor class is poor and the middle class is middle! Corrupt politician should be a compound word, nobody's trustworthy. Terrorist Dilma. Alcoholic Lula. Globo is right and Veja too. Let's organize a march against corruption because the internet is the sole weapon we have.
What about talking about love all the time, suffering of love? It's necessary fallacy when we want sex or a relationship to mask the loneliness. The likes and comments are my test of popularity. The one who likes my picture or poke me wants to fuck with me. The one who positively comments my polemic post thinks I am smart and wants to fuck with me. The one who is against my opinion is envy of me and should have some sex.
If someone criticizes us, it is envy of our success... Always, always... Poor envy people....
Because on the internet you can be whoever you wish. Because on the internet you can be the perfect human being, hot and photoshoped, ready of impressive quotes that thrills Brazil. Because on the internet you can be a star. Because on the internet you can show yourself off. Everyone wants to be a star. Everyone demands attention...
Once upon a time there was spontaneity and freedom to be the one you are instead of submitting yourself to be an ideal, an utopia, someone who will never exist.