The most difficult thing is not to start a revolution. The most difficult thing is to revolutionize people’s mind. It is put into their heads that they have and they are the power.
Hello, let’s start a revolution? Let set us free from the chains of opression and fight for rights in order for us to have a fairer society. Think of a problem that affects a huge number of people and then think in how we can start it. Let’s revolutionize!
What about a world without wars? Let’s show to the Lord of the War all the horror of the battlefields: multilations, destructions, people’s death, financial crisis. Let’s forget that there are no war without soldiers. Let’s revolutionize and show them they are risking their own lives to defend the interests of a little number of powerful people?
What about a safer traffic? Let’s complain about the lack of signs, about the terrible roads conditions. But let’s forget about alcohol that not only kills due to drunk drivers, as it also destroys families.
What about the youth without drugs? Let’s increase the number of cops in order to fight against the drugs traffic and open more centers of rehab. But let’s forget about the parents that do not talk to their kids and do not care about their emotional problems.
What about fight for more labor rights? Let’s demand our politicians and our labor syndicate the creation of laws in order to avoid exploration of poor people at work. But let’s forget that a company without workers does not produce and it is not profitable.
What about a country without corrupt politicians? Let’s demand the approvation of laws that do not allow politicians involved in corruption scadals to be elected again. But let’s forget that the ones who elect them is the people and that people are not honest as well.
The most difficult thing is not start the revolution itself. The hardest thing is to revolutionize people’s mind and put into their heads that they have the power of changing but, first of all, they need to change their minds. Besides, the revolution it is not made for a single person, it needs the people to gather for same goal.
Human being is proud of being a rational animal, but is so slave of their instincts, slave of their selfish desires and ends up killing, dying or living in the same spiritual misery because they have a big difficulty to put into practice things that are extremely simple.
All of us know that the condom prevents AIDS and non-desired pregancy, but it is no taken in consideration when people are slaves of their libido. All of us know that driving drunk is one of the main causes of car crashes, but a lot of people still think that they can drive when they barely know what they have done 2 minutes ago. All of us know that the polution and that the destruction of the natural resources are destroying the planet, but lots of people still waste water and throw garbage in anywhere and everywhere.
Centuries have passed but the mind of the human being developed too little. While a big number of people do not have good sense, all of us will suffer the consequences of the ignorance of the 21st century Neanderthal Man.