Friday, July 30, 2010

The hardest revolution

The most difficult thing is not to start a revolution. The most difficult thing is to revolutionize people’s mind. It is put into their heads that they have and they are the power.

Hello, let’s start a revolution? Let set us free from the chains of opression and fight for rights in order for us to have a fairer society. Think of a problem that affects a huge number of people and then think in how we can start it. Let’s revolutionize!

What about a world without wars? Let’s show to the Lord of the War all the horror of the battlefields: multilations, destructions, people’s death, financial crisis. Let’s forget that there are no war without soldiers. Let’s revolutionize and show them they are risking their own lives to defend the interests of a little number of powerful people?

What about a safer traffic? Let’s complain about the lack of signs, about the terrible roads conditions. But let’s forget about alcohol that not only kills due to drunk drivers, as it also destroys families.

What about the youth without drugs? Let’s increase the number of cops in order to fight against the drugs traffic and open more centers of rehab. But let’s forget about the parents that do not talk to their kids and do not care about their emotional problems.

What about fight for more labor rights? Let’s demand our politicians and our labor syndicate the creation of laws in order to avoid exploration of poor people at work. But let’s forget that a company without workers does not produce and it is not profitable.

What about a country without corrupt politicians? Let’s demand the approvation of laws that do not allow politicians involved in corruption scadals to be elected again. But let’s forget that the ones who elect them is the people and that people are not honest as well.

The most difficult thing is not start the revolution itself. The hardest thing is to revolutionize people’s mind and put into their heads that they have the power of changing but, first of all, they need to change their minds. Besides, the revolution it is not made for a single person, it needs the people to gather for same goal.

Human being is proud of being a rational animal, but is so slave of their instincts, slave of their selfish desires and ends up killing, dying or living in the same spiritual misery because they have a big difficulty to put into practice things that are extremely simple.

All of us know that the condom prevents AIDS and non-desired pregancy, but it is no taken in consideration when people are slaves of their libido. All of us know that driving drunk is one of the main causes of car crashes, but a lot of people still think that they can drive when they barely know what they have done 2 minutes ago. All of us know that the polution and that the destruction of the natural resources are destroying the planet, but lots of people still waste water and throw garbage in anywhere and everywhere.

Centuries have passed but the mind of the human being developed too little. While a big number of people do not have good sense, all of us will suffer the consequences of the ignorance of the 21st century Neanderthal Man.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The journey

In a sea that Google Earth can not localize there is a small island with a whopping fortress built on it.

An island in the Lonelyness sea. An almost uninhabited place if it had not been for a single person that lived there all alone, the Queen Reason. She had only one concern: to protect her son, Prince Heart.

She had already seen all the horror of the world beyond that imaginary ocean and she decided to run away to the more isolated place she could find out. She moved to this island, she built that fortress and she put her heart in the softest cushion, covering and isolating him inside a glass box protected by lasers and with the temperature controlled. He was there, warm and secure, the biggest desire of the Queen Reason.

As time went by, Prince Heart felt alone. He was feeling so alone that he felt sad many times. Queen Reason lived a dilemma: the unhappy protection or the dangerous seek for happiness?

Prince Heart was extremely persuasive. He could make his mother to cede to the most absurd and dangerous requests of him. And he had won once again. Now, he was free of his mother protection, he left his home and through the seas, he sailed.

And then Prince Heart saw terrible things. Broken and full of scars hearts have hunted him like vampires wanting to suck human blood and died-alive bodies wanting to eat human meat. And they have hurt him in the most painful ways. The heartache was much more intense than physical ache. Then he could understand why there was too much protection around him before he left his home: he was the more precious treasure of Queen Reason.

Prince Heart was now living his mother’s same dilemma. Should I live isolated (but safe) inside the protection of the Queen Reason even though it makes me unhappy? Or should I take the risk of being totally destroyed during my journey of seeking for a heart that will protect me and make me happy at the same time?

[I want to come back home]

Friday, July 16, 2010

How special are you

What makes you a special person? What do you sow and what do you pick?

How special are you? That is the question I make for you, dear reader, and I would like you to think about it during some daydreaming moment of your day, like while having lunch by yourself, for example.

When we want someone to show some interest on us, we sometimes try to show them how special we are and we invite them to come to our world. Oh, we are so fool...

It is very hard, sometimes it is almost an impossible mission, to try to convince people we are special. It does not work trying to impose them this. Everyone discovers that by oneself and sometimes it takes weeks, months or even years.

We raise the garden, we water the flowers and we wait for the butterflies to come to us. If the one who you are interested did not show any interest for you and did not want to discover how can you be special, it is a problem of his/her. It is a natural filter.

Only the people that sincerely love us will join our world without saying “excuse me”. They will open the refrigerator, they will take a beer can and they will turn on the TV to watch the soccer game with their feet upon the couch. And as the time goes by they will know a lot about us, our weirdest manias and the way we behave when we face different places and situations.

If somebody knows you prefer use a spoon to have your meals, if somebody knows your favorite soccer team is Aston Villa, if somebody knows you enjoy writing on misty glasses, if somebody knows you have a blog that is read by a little number of people, if they know your dreams and your fears and what makes you happy, it is a sign that you are special for this one.

What makes you a special person? What do you sow and what do you pick?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Ropes and people

Somebody has told me that there is a pot of gold in the end of the rainbow that can be found in a familiar place.

Welcome back to the hot and dirty road of Guinea-Bissau where hearts are dragged. Once again we are there, walking without stopping, taking right and wrong ways. Destination: happiness.

Throughout our journey, we will find lots of people willing to help us (or not) to take the right direction. They will join us. To them, we will be tied by an invisible rope on our feet.

Some people will walk in the same rate than ours. If we are tired or down, they will pull us ahead and will show us the way for us to take. They will become our friends and they will be my our side either we take different ways or until the road is over.

A lot of people will become a dead weight for us to carry. They will not help us when we need, they will not pull us through, but a humanity feeling inside our hearts will morally obligate us to carry them. They are unusual people we carry and make us tired. Why do not we get rid of who does not bring us anything good?

And there will be those crazy people that will try to pull us back. They will pull us to the bottom of the well they live in with all their might. They can not face themselves behind us or see us too close to the pot of gold.

Inside our pockets there is a sword we can use to cut the ropes. The decision of going ahead leaving behind everyone who does not allow you to be happy is yours.

No more caring with about other’s problems if they do not help themselves. No more caring about people who does not care about us. Someday they will forget us.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Imagine that you can reinvent yourself. Imagine that you can achieve perfection. It is not a dream, it is reality! It is not wizardry, it is technology!

Close you eyes and look to yourself. What do you like and dislike about you the most? What do other people like and dislike about you the most? What makes you special and what makes you boring? Have you already though? Well, it does not matter. We are not here to think. Thinking is a boring people’s thing. We are here to follow a scrip that will drive us to success!

So now we can be the last cookie of the package. Now we can be the cold Coca-Cola in the desert. See yourself as the king or queen of the World, very powerful in your throne with your followers worshiping you. Is it mpossible? No, no, it is not impossible. Yes, we can!

How am I? I have 1,024 characters available to convince people that I am interesting.

Time goes by... who am I? “I am a person who...” backspace... “no, no, no, it is kind of foolishness writing this”... In the end, it is very hard for you to tell who you are in 1,024 characters. Is it too little to show to people the person I am? Is it enough to tell the world how special I am? Is it able to describe me in a faithfully way?

Hey, wake up! Who is interested in the truth? In a world where people are always in a hurry, who is going to be the detective who will spend his time searching the true? Searching the true is exhausting so I will believe in your lies - if they are cool, of course.

Say you are the one people that want you to be. Never reveal your fears, specially because you do not have fears. You are an ocean of courage and self-confidence. Write that you are a person who lives intensely all the days as if they were your last days. Say you love things you do not love, but love because loving is fashion this seasom.

“But this is not me, Peterson!” Remind yourself that you do not have an appointment with the truth but in being orgastic!

You not only are brave, self-confident and fashion. You also is cult. Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Freud... You have never read nothing written by one of them, you do not know where did they come from, what do they wrote about. Anything! You just read over the profiles powerful phrases of them and you decided to use them to emblazon your culture and say to yourself you are powerful.

Who does not loves me is envy of me. I feel sorry for envy people.

And then, as long as you are getting older, you will become the character you created for you. You will always be an exclamation mark (twisted, but still an exclamation mark). People love perfect people and everybody loves an exclamation mark

This is not you and you know but... who matters? Who likes people who has doubts? Who admires imperfections, fears, craziness, failures? Let’s be just one more lie in a world of lies. Let’s pierce our eyes and be happy forever.

Smile and the world will smile with you. Cry and then you will cry alone.

I do not want to be a character, I want to be a real person. I do not want to pretend I am a 23 years old ancient wise man. I want my doubts, I want to eat the dessert slowly.

Let’s be a legitimate question mark instead of being a twisted exclamation mark.