Imagine that you can reinvent yourself. Imagine that you can achieve perfection. It is not a dream, it is reality! It is not wizardry, it is technology!
Close you eyes and look to yourself. What do you like and dislike about you the most? What do other people like and dislike about you the most? What makes you special and what makes you boring? Have you already though? Well, it does not matter. We are not here to think. Thinking is a boring people’s thing. We are here to follow a scrip that will drive us to success!
So now we can be the last cookie of the package. Now we can be the cold Coca-Cola in the desert. See yourself as the king or queen of the World, very powerful in your throne with your followers worshiping you. Is it mpossible? No, no, it is not impossible. Yes, we can!
How am I? I have 1,024 characters available to convince people that I am interesting.
Time goes by... who am I? “I am a person who...” backspace... “no, no, no, it is kind of foolishness writing this”... In the end, it is very hard for you to tell who you are in 1,024 characters. Is it too little to show to people the person I am? Is it enough to tell the world how special I am? Is it able to describe me in a faithfully way?
Hey, wake up! Who is interested in the truth? In a world where people are always in a hurry, who is going to be the detective who will spend his time searching the true? Searching the true is exhausting so I will believe in your lies - if they are cool, of course.
Say you are the one people that want you to be. Never reveal your fears, specially because you do not have fears. You are an ocean of courage and self-confidence. Write that you are a person who lives intensely all the days as if they were your last days. Say you love things you do not love, but love because loving is fashion this seasom.
“But this is not me, Peterson!” Remind yourself that you do not have an appointment with the truth but in being orgastic!
You not only are brave, self-confident and fashion. You also is cult. Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Freud... You have never read nothing written by one of them, you do not know where did they come from, what do they wrote about. Anything! You just read over the profiles powerful phrases of them and you decided to use them to emblazon your culture and say to yourself you are powerful.
Who does not loves me is envy of me. I feel sorry for envy people.
And then, as long as you are getting older, you will become the character you created for you. You will always be an exclamation mark (twisted, but still an exclamation mark). People love perfect people and everybody loves an exclamation mark
This is not you and you know but... who matters? Who likes people who has doubts? Who admires imperfections, fears, craziness, failures? Let’s be just one more lie in a world of lies. Let’s pierce our eyes and be happy forever.
Smile and the world will smile with you. Cry and then you will cry alone.
I do not want to be a character, I want to be a real person. I do not want to pretend I am a 23 years old ancient wise man. I want my doubts, I want to eat the dessert slowly.
Let’s be a legitimate question mark instead of being a twisted exclamation mark.
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