Nutty after snorting cocaine from Bolivia, Sakineh went out to the Marrakesh streets. Due to the drugs effects, she always went out of her mind, she ran away to another reality, she got rid of her problems every time she danced. And she kept dancing in the middle of the street totally unaware of what was happening around. She was then, ran over by a camel...
So it started. It was a sensation of turning and turning and turning without knowing exactly where she was going to, as if she was already in Heaven. She didn't know what was happening because she didn't know how it started. A beautiful, marvelous Sunday afternoon. A pretty, blue Sun, 5 o'clock. She had heard someone to say “Hold on, Berenice! We are about to crash”. Nothing more she could remember.
Sakineh's subconscious didn't bring back past memories all in a flashback. Her memories lied on the man that made her decay so much in her life and see a shelter on drugs. She relived this painful history together with the physic pain of being blooding after the crash while Berenice and the other person were leaving without helping. People around her listened, all curious, her groans. Nobody tried to help her. They were too busy recording her with their cell phones in order to post the videos later on YouTube.
He was a young and handsome man. Sakineh always had a low self-esteem because she had been poor and because she was a teenager out of the beauty standards. A handsome man like that interested in her was like she had won on the lottery. Even so, he had a dubious behavior.There were times he was gentle with Sakineh. He used to give her gifts like gold jewels, he used to pay attention to her hijab, used to listen to her, used to give her advices. He was the kind of perfect man she always dreamed of when she used to play with her Babies dressed, from the head to the feet, with a long niqab. On the other hand, there were times he was far, it seemed as if he was trying to avoid her as if she could discover something dangerous about him. He was mysterious and full of secrets. This duality used to make her often distressed because sometimes she felt that it was a half-romance and she wondered what was the matter. Due to her lack of self-confidence, Sakineh used to believe that she was the one who was doing something wrong and she used to hate herself for not knowing exactly why.Sakineh used to be very intuitive. One day, in a hurry, he told her they needed to talk and, when they met in an abandoned ruin, he was dry and straight to the point.“I'm tired of you. I have found another woman. Don't look for me anymore. Goodbye”.And he left, this way, without any longer explanation. Sakineh got devastated inside even though her intuition already alerted her that the end of their secret relationship was imminent. Neither the fireworks that were exploding in the skies to celebrate the coup d'état that deposed the royal family were able to uplift that destroyed soul that would seek comfort in the drugs and in the dance...
After remaining several minutes agonizing in the middle of the street, she was rescued by a Turkish doctor that had seen her dancing. He took her to the closest hospital and, after Sakineh was finally recovered, he told her his sister had a dance school in Istanbul where Sakineh could dance and teach dancing classes.
Sakineh quit the drugs and started being known and renowned as a great dancer. She got married with this doctor with Iraqi family background. She was back to life. Living without drugs, earning a living with the dance, living a true love with lies or omissions. After a whole life of supressions and suffering, she had finally found happiness.
Happiness that was shook during a diplomatic event at Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Ankara. She had met again that man that abandoned her and made her suffer. The Arab world was too small for them two...
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