Was it a far away dream? Was it the more intensive sensation he could ever live and that he could never relieved again?
It was an ordinary and cold afternoon. A body of an unknown man appeared lying on the floor. He was cold and he did not make any movement, apparently, he was dead. People in that place, curious, raised the traditional questions: “who is he”, “where did he come from” and “is he alive”?
Another unknown man walked straight to him, taking with him a steaming cup of coffee and milk.
The smoke slid in the air and entered into the fallen man’s nostril, heating that cold body. And that cold body that was hard and without life as if it were a rock, reacted. He had just been born.
— Drink this cup of coffee, my son, — asked the man, his Savior, that have given him a smile and turned around and went away with His mission accomplished.
He did not know anything about himself and his past. He just knew that he wished to drink that cup of coffee, as though it was a surviving instinct ask.
He drank the first sip of coffee. It was the first time he had ever drank coffee and milk in his life. The heat warmed his whole body and he felt full of life. The sweet flavor of the coffee also did not remained only in his stomach but it flowed through his body and reached his mind and heart.
He was a young man that would like to share all his happiness caused by his first sip of coffee. He met people, made friends and enjoyed those happy moments that were lived for the first time since he drank coffee.
Time went by and the cup was getting out of coffee but someone always served him more. Sometimes the cup itself used to fill it up by itself, just like magic. During this time, coffee was changing taste and temperature.
Few people brought hot coffee and milk. Some people only brought black coffee with sugar. A lot of people brought black cold coffee without sugar. It was a bitter coffee, hard to drink.
The man absorbed everything the coffee could give to him. He was a coffee addicted now. His animal instinct already knew that coffee was giving him life and that without it, he might lost it and become a cold rock on the floor once again.
In the begging, coffee was sweet, hot and flavorous. As time passed by him, he had experienced the coldness and the bitterness and they also flowed through his veins, reaching his heart.
More and more coffee. More cold and bitter coffee.
There was not that pleasure in drinking coffee anymore. Was it a far away dream? Was it the more intensive sensation he could ever live and that he could never relieved again?
Sad and frustrated, that man was drinking his coffee as a slave. He knew he could not just give up if he wanted. It was not allowed by him and by others.
One more sip, one more sip, one more cold and bitter sip of coffee. Inside that bitter heart, the feeling of hope remained there reminding him that one day coffee would be sweet and hot again. He already knew that it would not be an everlasting sensation, but he was willing to enjoy it until there would be no coffee, and then he could thank his Savior personally for giving him life.
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