We were born from the top of a circle and the destiny wanted us to be part of the same group. I am the Earth and you are the Sun.
In an universe full of doubts, we were there, totally lost, trying to find the sense of something. In this moment, you started to shine and to attract those planets and astronomical objects wandering through the Space.
Sun, the center of the universe. Everydoby circling you, all of them were fascinated by your bright, light, heat.
Mercury and Venus were the first and the second ones that tried to be yours, but your extreme heat destroyed any kind of life inside them. Pluto, however, was ignored and sent to live all the cold of its almost absolute zero.
You used to light me in that dark and deathly silence and confusion. You sent me your shine and I reflected it on my rivers and on the top of my snowy mountains. You gave me life and you allowed me to beget life.
But on our way there was a Satellite, there was a Satellite on our way.
The protagonist became a supporting character. It also wanted to feel your bright, your heart, whatever. It was rotating around me if it were your owner and I, a threat. I was afraid of being behind its shadow.
Moon made a point of showing me that it was receiving your light by its phases. It reflected intensively your light during my darkest nights. It pulled my tides with extreme violence, letting me disturbed. Undertow.
Wandering through the space. So the day the Moon put it shadow on me had come. Solar eclipse. Umbra, penumbra. I do not want feel things in a half, I want the intensive ones. Sun, heat me with all your light, with no penumbra if you want to be mine. Moon, freeze me with all the darkness of this Universe, the umbra, if the Sun chooses you.
Planets will align themselves
2012 will come
It shadow on me, the Moon will direct
I will live in the deeper darkness
A meteor will come in the wrong way
and against me, it will crash
My kinds of live, it will mow down
A new glacial age will begin
An unberable pain inside my heart
Stars, they will be witness
of the runner-up's silver tears falling down.
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