The Miss Universe judge asked Miss USA what was her biggest dream. She answered: the world peace.
Perhaps it was just a cliché answer for her to be considered a kind human being and win the Miss Universe contest. Perhaps it was really a sincere wish of someone who believes that someday this dream may come true, even though she knew it was humanly impossible. Who will ever know? Will we be alive when the world peace reign on the Earth?
It is funny that some words have nothing to do with their root, right? For example: humanity has synonyms like kindness and benevolence. Ok, as if the humans were naturally kind and benevolent.
Human beings are magnificent creatures. Unlike other animals, they do not need to hunt and use their fingernails for this purpose; they developed a high level of intelligence that made possible to control their animal instincts. Perhaps because of this, it sounds offensive to call humans as animals.
Humans kill other animals to eat them. Vegetarians repudiate such act. Humans kill themselves not in order to eat them, even though there are rare cases of canibalism. But humans kill for power, for pleasure, for wealthy, for fun or to maintain their “honor”.
Humans destroy themselves and the nature. The Earth have already shown the reflexions of the human intervention on it and shows its angry with floods, droughts, erosions that culminate in the loss of human and wild lives.
The planet is already fed up. Humans are so arrogant that they say they believe in a God that created a world for them to destroy freely all He built. They are so arrogant that they think they can sell vacancies in the heaven after their pathetic predictions about the end of the world.
But it was not necessary a meteor to collide against the Earth raising a cloud of dust that blocks the sunlight and kills the humankind with a new glacial age. We will still have dogs, cats, flowers, trees, butterflies, all the animals, all the insects and all the plants to enjoy one more sunny day.
The dogs howl to the moonlight. They miss a friend. The cockroaches dance samba on the wreckages. They will have organic material to eat for decades. The end of the world had come... for the human beings. The Earth is still intact trying, by it own, rebuild itself after all the destruction humankind have caused.
The world peace had come. The world had reached the fine line of the unbearable. Humans destroyed them by themselves with their chemical and biological weapons. No way humanity was a synonym of kindness and benevolence.
The last men the remained on the Earth were fighting among them for the right of becoming the King of the World and enjoy the little water and food that had lasted. So, one of them took a gun and shot all the others that had remained alive. He was the only one man on the Earth. There were nobody to serve him, to admire him, to feed him. He went crazy due to the starvation and due to the disturbing loneliness. Then, he did the last discharge of a gun that the Earth could ever hear. He shot his own head. The last man on the Earth had died.
Finally the world peace was achieved when all the humans were died.