Friday, October 7, 2011

Vast emotions

The annoying shrilling sound the alarm clock produces reached to my ears in a day that even the prettier sonata gave me a headache, no, it is not a hungover, reader, neither the end of semester syndrome that prevented me to write here for such a long time, but my traditional bad mood. Perhaps it would be less complicated to throw the alarm clock against the wall as I did, in a thought, instead of pressing the buttons to turn if off. 'The contemporaneity makes me angry', said the pseudocrap cult that lives in the last century. Sometimes I would rather live in the XIV Century, in Europe, with all my bad habits and beliefs in an Evil God and Revengeful Devil to explain the Black Death. Perhaps I would be happier.

The Reader allow me to say that the days no longer drawl as I already wandered about through these digital lines that worth anything. The days run more and more and take with them the vast emotions I have never had, neither you, the ultraromanticism is dead, only the emos did not realize yet. If the image of a colorful phallus disguised in a picture is able to touch this poor and rotten youth that have their natural imagetic determined by the TV alienation, I will paint it in t-shirts with very cheap prices.

'Being banal is natural', said the fashionista, and among the decorations that will build the allegory of the human misery, it is possible to foresee the unforeseeable, is it going to rain today? Good, not so good, more than good, it is perfectly clear allow yourself to be read in the between lines, but who likes them? I can note life has no sense anymore, neither in having, neither in undoing, generically perfect. It is me. Sure getting carried away is more than renting a brain because and empty mind flows upon the puddle of excrement that we call 'erudite culture', or would it be 'mass culture'? Never mind, the part that fits me stinks as much as. And then I hide myself in my room and sleep embraced with my pillow, that listens to my screams and scream deafly at my ears, for me to take a new breath, maybe to open the window. We are not the same we once were, and life goes on.

“Vast emotions” (Vastas Emoções) was a text written by Rubens Rosza Neto on July 10, 2010 on his blog, Borradela, and it was translated into English by Peterson Florindo for his blog, Thinkable.

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