Friday, November 4, 2011

Rotten water fountain

It did not mean that he still cared about it, but that fountain was now a source of inexhaustible inspiration about the putrefaction of the things.

And after walking without a destination, lost and thirsty, engulfed by madness and hopelessness due to the lack of a way to follow he found a fountain. A fountain once beautiful of very clear water. He drank it. It did not take a long time and the water became rotten. He felt sick and as he was in the desert, he could not take any medicine or going to the doctor.

However the illness had gone and he was found and rescued by a group of Bedouins that was crossing the desert. The fountain was still there, gushing rotten and contaminated water, full of faecal coliforms.

It did not mean that he still cared about it, but that fountain was now a source of inexhaustible inspiration about the putrefaction of the things.

DIONNE BROMFIELD - If That's The Way You Wanna Play

1 comment:

  1. You said that you'd post a text saind nothing about nothing, I don't know if it was this one but this text remembered me about a certain person (I actually I don't know him, but you do).

    The good thing is that "It did not mean that he still cared about it, but that fountain was now a source of inexhaustible inspiration about the putrefaction of the things." Even if you don't want, all your experiences can teach yoy one or two things.

    Bye, see yah.


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