Darwin was right! Men definitely came from monkeys.
Monkeys might belong to different races. They might be white, black, indigenous, mongoloids. These differences work as pretexts for some monkeys believe they are better than the other ones.
Monkeys might have different social status. They might be beggar, poor, rich, millionaire. These differences work as pretexts for some monkeys explore the other ones.
Monkeys might worship different gods and prophets. They might be Christians, Jews, Muslins, Buddhists. These differences work as pretexts for some monkeys attack the other ones.
Monkeys might be different physically. They might be tall, short, fat, thin, gorgeous, ugly. These differences work as pretexts for some monkeys discriminate the other ones.
Monkeys might have different ages and sexualities. They might be men, women, children, straights, homosexuals. These differences work as pretexts for some monkeys believe they deserve a special treatment comparing to the other ones.
Even though they have all these differences, they are all monkeys.
Monkeys are not polite. They scratch their genitals in front of others, they belch, they fart, they speak loud, they interrupt the other monkeys while speaking, they jump the rows, they park on the space designated to elderly and handicap monkeys, they let their cell phones ringing at the movies, they do not respect the crosswalks...
Monkeys are evil. They invent gossips, they spread gossips, they buy gossips, they make evil jokes, they mock the others, they tell lies, they enjoy the other’s tragedies, they want to know who was murdered on the noon news.
Monkeys feed themselves eating trash. They gather in front of the TV to watch urban tragedies, they listen to obscene songs, the wear the fashion tatter clothes and spend their banana-coins to pay and to get more debts in order to impress the monkeykind.
Monkeys are the basis of the pyramid; they are the mass, the population’s majority. Monkeys have the power. Monkeys are the power. They elect the new successful songs and TV programs. They elect the monkey-king who will explore them and have a fancy life while starving monkeys will call him “Your Majesty”. Monkeys accommodate themselves on their rotten trees praying and putting “on the Hands of God” their hope of better days.
Monkeys are the gears that move the world back. They see nothing, they listen nothing, they say nothing. They do not care to be explored and eat trash. They do not want to improve. They feel glad with small things. It is easy to please the monkeys. Does the monkey want bananas? Give bananas to the monkey!